Hyekyoung Kim: Life is a performance
What part did art have in your life as you were growing up? What part does it have now?
Is performing a part of you or are you a part of it?
Life is a performance isn’t it?
What do you wish more people knew or understood about performances like this?
What was the hardest part of creating this?
With one word, describe what this spectacle is to you. (What does it mean, something close and personal or something you want the whole world to see?)
Together. Pandemic has been a huge challenge and I believe we realized the need of being together without seeing each other through a screen. When we finally got to present this piece in front of the audience, it was an amazing and strong emotional moment.
How do you want this spectacle to influence the audience, what feelings and emotions do you want to portray.
I would like the audience to feel the positive energy despite the hard times we are experiencing, because it is the source to move forward.
Do you feel as though most or many people misunderstand it, would it be a negative thing or seeing people interpret it in different ways, than what you intended, make you happy?
What does the word “dragon” mean and symbolize for each and every one of you?